
Coworking for Green Impact

The design concept is rooted in nature, drawing inspiration from elements such as stone, sand, and vegetation. These elements are reflected both in the color scheme and the intended work methods, creating a dynamic and inspiring work environment.

Throughout the premises, there are both open, lively areas for collaboration and quiet niches for concentrated work. The entire office is designed as a coworking space, with no assigned spots for employees, inspiring them to work freely and experiment with new ideas daily.






Square Meters:










Andreas Graf

Lukas Schramm

The Intep Office
Stone: Classic Workspaces, Coworking Café
Sand: Meeting Rooms
Vegetation: New Work
innenarchitektur münchen büro design

Conventional workspaces and the coworking café form the Stone Zone, characterized by clear lines and a minimalistic color palette.

interior design munich new work speciality

The Sand Zone connects the Stone and Vegetation Zones.

The coworking café encourages collaboration and flexibility.

This classic meeting room belongs to the Stone Zone, which one can see thanks to the neutral colors.

The Vegetation Zone is more detailed and encourages working flexibly. It embodies the ideas of New Work with various workspace solutions such as meeting boxes and open high tables. The CI color green is thoughtfully integrated here to represent the vegetation theme.

The design externalizes the future-oriented and sustainable values of the consulting company.